LCS: A Breakdown of the Tiebreakers

Ties, ties, ties. Sounds almost like a sex-tape huh? Well not exactly but shit when you’ve been laying in bed for over a week your mind starts to lose it a bit. So just give me this one please…

But before I start literally begging y’all, I need to get back on track. We, you and I are all here to break down some tiebreakers. But we have a problem. Do I write about the first two only which are the ones we can play DFS on? Or do I write about all of them?

You know me…. we only care about what can transfer to DFS. But hey, I’ll list out the other two games anyway 😉

– DIG v IMT (winner plays GG)

– 100T v FLY (winner plays EG)

– GG vs winner of DIG v IMT

– EG vs winner of 100T v FLY

So those are all 4-tiebreakers we got today but I’m gonna remind you, because I almost forgot myself, that the first tiebreaker is an elimination game and the second one is simply a seeding game. What this means is the winner of GG v IMT/DIG will grab the 6th seed while 100T, FLY and EG have already claimed spots in the playoffs and are playing for seeding 2-4. Craziness is bound to ensue so why not just hop right into game #1?

Game #1: DIG v IMT

H2H record: 2-0 DIG

I mean I don’t even need to write this article anymore after that H2H record right? Well actually it kinda seems that way. But all of us fans of the LCS know that how the games are “supposed” to go rarely happens. I mean just look at TSM last game. So my mind is actually starting to sway, because Dignitas dominated Immortals in their first meeting (17-4), but the second time around it was much closer (15-13). And with the recent performance of Eika (39.7 DKP vs DIG on 3/28) along with Apollo (38.9 DKP vs DIG on 3/28) and sOAZ (31.5 DKP vs DIG on 3/28) I am really starting to sway. Yes Froggen is a god in the mid lane but it’s apparent that his kill prowess has fallen off a cliff over his last few games (19 DKP per game over last 3). And then there is the jungle difference (Xmithie v Akaadian) which is clear as day. Xmithie has played in multiple championships as well as worlds and MSI, while Akaadian has not really done shit in his short league of legends career so far. Sure he’s young and hungry, but I’ll take the veteran (former TL) jungler all day when things are do or die. The same goes for ADC as well as Johnsun is new and Apollo is a solid veteran who was formerly on Clutch. And let’s not forget he has the same support that he’s had for his entire career in the LCS basically in Hakuho. Dignitas does have Aphromoo who is probably the most veteran support in the entire LCS. But I really don’t think it matters. The final position I need to mention is top lane which is Huni, who is like the Ryan Fitzpatrick of League of Legends, versus sOAZ who came over from the LEC (Europe). Call me crazy but I like sOAZ over Huni mainly because Huni has lost a lot of his mechanical skill and should be a coach honestly. I mean come on he died 7 times last time out vs Immortals on 3/28 which is terrible. So my final point here is this: Immortals will win because they are the veteran squad and will do what they need to do to win this game.

My Bet: Immortals ML (+115)

My DFS plays: Apollo, Eika, sOAZ

Game #2: 100T v FLY

H2H record: 1-1

Flyquest took the first game 8-1 on 2/17 and 100 Thieves took the second game 21-16 on 3/22. So what can we learn from this? Well FlyQuest was running Solo in the top lane in the second game which isn’t their usual lineup as V1per is usually in top. BUT, that’s not a good thing in my opinion as V1per is a fine solo-que player but so far in the LCS I have not been impressed. And then we have to bring up the jungle (Santorin) who is not equal to Meteos who is a VETERAN. Then throw in that the top lane situation I mentioned will be facing off vs Ssumday who is pound for pound one of the best top laners in the LCS. So that’s two losing lanes. Mid is in favor of Flyquest as I think PowerofEvil is a lot better than Ryoma, but it is worth mentioning that Ryoma has picked it and put up his second best performance of the split vs Flyquest on 3/22. Bot lane is going to likely be the straw that broke the camels back. Is that the right saying? Ehh who cares, basically what I mean is that CodySun is levels above WildTurtle. Sure WildTurtle has been in the LCS for like ever, but what has he done? Exactly, the dude is average and has issues with being insanely over aggressive which is horrible for an ADC. Sure CodySun has that clip of him flashing into a death during Worlds but you know what, since that moment he has played a whole lot better and this split could arguably go down as his best. And got damn have you seen his Aphelios? NASTY. I like CodySun as an MVP today as I don’t think FlyQuest is going to be able to handle the heat that 100 Thieves has been throwing out.

My Bet: 100T -4.5 kills (-115)

My DFS Plays: CodySun, Ssumday, Meteos, Ryoma